Sexually transmitted diseases - infectious diseases, infection which occurs mainly through sexual contact. Talking about sexually transmitted diseases, in most cases, keep in mind the classic diseases - syphilis, gonorrhea, donovanosis, chancroid, - which have been known for centuries, and which at different periods of time (before they learned to treat) have claimed many lives. With the advent of effective drugs the number of people who died from venzabolevany has dropped dramatically, and modern diagnostic techniques have made it possible to determine the causative agents of these diseases before they go into a severe disease stage. In addition, new diagnostic techniques have revealed infection, which previously were not aware. By 'new' diseases, sexually transmitted infections include: HIV infection, candidiasis, herpes, etc. This includes skin diseases and intestinal infections that are sexually transmitted. The most common skin diseases that are transmitted through sexual contact, are pubic lice, scabies and molluscum contagiosum. In our medical center you can get a full examination of all sexual infections. The sooner you contact your doctor if you have any symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases, the greater the chance that the disease does not give any complications. Indeed, often the greatest harm to the body does not bring the disease and its consequences. Prostatitis, inflammatory diseases of uterine appendages, and are often the result of chlamydia or ureaplasmosis. The main diseases such deceit is that they may be asymptomatic.